The most flexible business travel. Ever.

With FlexiPerk, you can book any flight, hotel, car, or train at any rate, and cancel at any time. No questions asked. And it only takes 3 clicks.

of trips are refundable. Book what you want, cancel when you need.

of your money back, with just one click.

average savings, compared to traditional flexible fares.

Let's talk

Our team is online and ready whenever you are to help, no matter what you need.

These companies already know what a stress-free refund feels like.

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How does it work?

With FlexiPerk you pay a 10% fee on every trip your travelers make. This allows them to cancel anytime up until two hours before they travel and get minimum 80% of the trip refunded. All refunds are given as credit on the TravelPerk platform.

Any part of a business trip can be refunded, whether it’s a flight, hotel, train, or car. Simply contact our Customer Care team via chat, phone, or email and you’ll see your refund in as little as seven days.