Travel advice board

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3 hours ago
Heavy rainfall triggers water logging in parts of Mumbai
Anticipate weather-related disruptions to travel/services in affected areas for the next 24 hours; do not attempt to cross floodwaters.


7 hours ago
Inter-communcal clashes prompt security measures around Peren-Chümoukedima border, Nagaland state
Follow all directives. Seek shelter at the first sign of unrest.


9 hours ago
UDYF activists to hold rallies in Kerala state on 11 October
Anticipate heightened security and associated disruptions in the affected areas on 11 October. Plot route bypasses.
- Source: Riskline (only displaying risk alert headlines)
- We try our best to make sure all travel risk alerts are accurate and correct, but we're not liable for any misinformation. Always use common sense and refer to official safety and security regulations.

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