- How long do you want this event to be?
We normally recommend 2 days with 1 overnight stay. Less than that makes it a more casual teambuilding event rather than an offsite and anything too much longer can take too much of your colleague’s personal time. This is our sweet spot! - When do you want the offsite to take place?
Picking the right day of the week is just as important as picking the right season to go. We’re headquartered in Barcelona, so we like to take advantage of the sea and the sun. That’s why we tend to run our main offsites in September and October - just after the holidays so people are nice and rested, but not so far into Q3 that people are overwhelmed with work. We also suggest running your offsite from Thursday to Friday. People tend to be more enthusiastic towards the end of the week and this way you’re not taking time away from their weekends! - Where will your offsite take place?
Make sure you’ve chosen a location that isn’t too close or too far away from your pick-up point. You want people to feel like they’re being whisked away, but not like they’re being shipped off to Timbuktu. - What type of offsite is it going to be?
Namely, you need to decide if you want this to be primarily a bonding experience for teammates or if it has more of a strategic component. “Both” is a perfectly legitimate answer! You can plan a great kick-off, for example, where you discuss objectives, goals and strategies for the next year - and you can sprinkle in a few fun team-building activities as you go! - What’s your budget?
Keep an eye out for your budget. It’s very easy to over or understand and both situations can be the death of your offsite. Understand what you can do with the money that you’ve been given and try to think outside the box when you use it! - Who is attending?
This might seem silly because the obvious answer is “the entire team”. But actually, it’s not such an easy question. You have to think about employees in different situations - for example, do you include contractors in your offsite? What about colleagues who sit between multiple teams? What do you do with team members from different hubs? You have to decide the parameters of who your offsite is for and adjust it accordingly.