What else does a business need to know when booking group travel?
“For starters, when organising group bookings for flights, it’s important to know the group booking criteria of the airlines
beforehand and what they class as a ‘group’.
A rule of thumb is that the number of passengers should be at least ten with the same flight so that a reservation can be regarded as a "group" reservation.
In case the number of passengers is less than ten, then group terms will not apply, in which case your best option will be to book individually”.
Thanks, Ester. And, Claudia, do you have anything else you’d like businesses booking group travel to consider?
“Sure. Unlike a direct booking online, this process is manual and can be a little slow, in some cases between 1 to 10 days as you’ll want to contact multiple airlines to get different pricing options. So, you’ll need to be able to give your travel manager time!
Lastly, with a small corporate group, it’s often cheaper to book the flights yourself. When I do this for our clients, I group them in batches of eight. Some carriers, especially the low-cost carriers, will jack up the price right after someone has booked, so I wait a couple of hours before handling the next batch of eight travellers—now there’s a secret for you!”